
We are the official partners of the following brands:

ALDE - Service Partner
Solara -module.komponenten.systeme
Dometic - Service partner
Cindrella - incinerating toilet
AL-KO - Quality for life

We cooperate with the following insurance companies:


✔️ Matkaauto elamuosa aastahooldus. Sisaldab: Hind alates 210€. ✔️ Haagissuvila aastahooldus. Sisald…

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Matkaauto tarvikud ja haagissuvila varuosad

Matkaauto tarvikud ja haagissuvila varuosad leiate siit -hetkel kuni 15% soodsamalt! Meilt saad neid…

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Gaasiseadmete remont ja hooldus.

Matkasõiduki gaasiseadmete remont ja hooldus: Kui ilmneb mõni probleem gaasiseadmetega, on meie mees…

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Installation of solar panels

🌞 Miks on kasulikud päikesepaneelid haagissuvilale ja matkaautole? 🚐 Miks valida Flameko Camper matk…

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Markiis autole ja haagissuvila telk

Matkaauto markiis – paigaldage markiis autole ja saate matkamisele veelgi mugavust Markiis aut…

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Installation of 5G/4G outdoor antenna and Wi-Fi router

Oled matkates nautinud kaunist loodust ja otsinud ideaalset peatumispaika, kuid interneti levi jätab…

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Õhkpadjad ja õhkvedrustus matkaautole.

Õhkvedrustus on suurepärane lisavarustus, õhkpadjad mitte ainult ei tasanda teekonarusi, vaid parand…

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Annual body inspection of the motorhome and measurement of the moisture level.

The annual body inspection of the motorhome includes a detailed visual inspection and moisture measurement …

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Dynamic maintenance of the automatic transmission

When the life of the gearbox oil ends, the life of the gearbox also ends. We recommend changing the oil in the automatic transmission...

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Avasta siit, millised veel teenused me pakkume.

Hetkel kehtivate kampaaniate loetelu leiate siin.

Etrusco T7300 SB Complete Edition

Suurepärane uudis matkasõpradele!

Flameko Camperi täisteeninduskeskuses on müügil uhiuus Etrusco matkaauto.

Flameko Camper full service center for motorhomes and caravans is a place where every concern can be solved, feel free to contact us or get a quote here. A short introductory video about us:


Maximum customer satisfaction is our priority. We take professional care of your vehicle to ensure a safe and worry-free journey.


The customer can always turn to us with their concerns, we are sure to find a quick and best solution to every problem.


Kiire asjaajamine ja professionaalne teenindus on meie tööpõhimõte. Töötame alati kliendi huvidest lähtuvalt.

All Flameko Camper services:

  • Superstructure maintenance and repair works for mobile homes and caravans.
  • Sales and installation of accessories.
  • Repair and maintenance of refrigerators  
  • Pre- or post-purchase consultation service for motorhomes and caravans
  • Vaata kogu nimekirja

Flameko Car Service Laagri and Flameko Camper:

Lepatriinu tee 8, Laagri

On weekdays: 09.00–18.00
+372 54 100 101
+372 54 100 103

+372 54 100 102

Flameko Car service Mustamäe

Seemne 4, Tallinn

On weekdays: 09.00–18.00
+372 534 76 101
+372 534 76 104

Sale of spare parts:
+372 534 76 105